Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Online Media in Nepal: Short History

Online Media in Nepal: Short History
Internet is relatively new media. It was only in the late 80s and early 90s that the World Wide Web (WWW) emerged and started influencing the way people live. Journalism was not left behind. The early use of internet was for acquiring information and using computer to improve reporting, but by the half of the 90s, the newspapers were already on the internet serving the people worldwide.
Early precursors of the online journalism are believed to be teletext and videotext, introduced and used during 70s and 80s but never took off. In 1978, Bulletin Board System (BBS), information and emails sharing method by direct connection between computers, began. In 1982, StarText, the first newspaper intended to deliver only to computers via videotext was established. In 1990, Tim Berners-Lee created the internet. His invention changed the scenario as the WWW offered greater capacity, flexibility, immediacy, permanence and interactivity.
Chicago Tribune of USA began its online venture, the Chicago Online, in 1992. This is the considered the first online media. The first proper news site was put on the internet as early as in 1993 when the The News & Observer in North Carolina was put on the internet through bulletin board system (BBS). After the first internet browser, Mosaic was launched in 1994, it went online as Nando Times. The pioneering site, the Nando Times pages were discontinued May 27, 2003. On January 19, 1995, the first newspaper to regularly publish on the Web, the Palo Alto Weekly in California, begins twice-weekly postings of its full content.
Mercantile Office Systems began the commercial email system in June 1994 and established a separate entity Mercantile Communications for similar services. Before that Nepal Academy for Science and Technology (NAST) and Nepal Forum for Environmental Journalists had used email services as trials. Early services were used by dialing ISD numbers in India for the connection.
On July 15, 1995 Mercantile started providing full online access operating via a lease line through Nepal Telecom with it’s backbone in Singapore. By the end of 1995, Mercantile had approximately 150 subscribers – most of them being the International Non-Governmental Organizations in Kathmandu.
WorldLink began internet services as around same time with duplex dial-up lines that dials in USA four times a day. It had around 60 subscribers by January 1996.
Nepalese in US began the publication of first online media on Oct 23, 1993 – The Nepal Digest. This continued for 449 issues and closed before it resumed publication again in 2003. On September 7, 1995 The Kathmandu Post went online on the University of Illinois website. It was joint effort of Mercantile Communications, the publication and Rajendra Shrestha, an engineering student who uploaded the news on his personal page provided by the university.
Himal Media started archiving it’s publication, Himal South Asia, in it’s own website in 1997.
Mercantile established in 1998 when it archived seven daily and weekly newspapers. The site however only gave the digital version of the printed publications. In 1999, it moved to paving ways for more newspapers to put up their content on the cyberspace and the company also began serving it’s own news collected by the reporters it employed for the news portal.
Kantipur Publications established on April 13, 2000. At initial phase, employed reporters for news reporting. The site not only uploaded the digital version of its publications but also has their original contents with a few reporters working for it.
On December 15, 2002 Kamana Group of Publications began Lately all broadsheet dailies along with weeklies and smaller media are available online.
Talking about weblog or blog, the first blogsite of Nepal, United We Blog, was established on October 1, 2004. The number of blog sites is also increasing rapidly because one can start it free of cost and without much of technical knowledge.

The History of Internet & Online Journalism in Nepal

The rapid development of the world is credited to the advancement in communication technology which has helped globalization and is leading the humankind towards a similar type thought, culture and lifestyle. Started with the invention of Gutenberg's printing press in 1456, the modern journalism has reached the summit of advancement with introduction of online media. Today we have internet that comprises the audio, video, photo and the text. Hence, the online publication can also be defined as the mingled form of radio, television and print journalism.

As professed by the experts during the late twentieth century in Washington DC, the world today is observing a revolution in communication. It has put a firm effect towards the government, society, politics and human acts. The communication revolution is compared to the industrial revolution of the late eighteenth century Europe, substituting agriculture.

As Nepal is an important part of the world, it cannot remain isolated to the development of means of communication. Despite the pace and techniques, the information and communication technology, e-commerce and online journalism are growing in Nepal. Along with the sector of journalism, the arenas of business, academia, agriculture, environment and many more are also using the online media in today's Nepal. Under such background, here's an attempt to present the definition, situation and development of online journalism in context of the Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal.
What is internet?
Internet functions under the mingled technology of Telecommunication and computer. It is a platform that annexes the entire electronic signals of the world to a net and enables the users to access their required information, knowledge, ideas, entertainment, education, opportunities and more in digital form. The former vice president of United States Al Gore defined it as the information super highway. Telecommunication is the basic need for internet without which it's functioning isn't possible yet. In next words, the internet is a network of digital information worldwide.
History of internet:
The age of internet is hardly four decades. It was first used to transfer data under a network of four computers associated to universities researchers and later to the United States Defense Force during 1960's in which underwater cables were stretched and connected to the systems for transferring information. The project was named as Advanced Research Project Agency ('ARPANET' in short). The channel was simply used for secrecy in defense but not for any journalistic purposes. Later in 1990, the British scientist Tim Berners-Lee developed the necessary codes to publish a website named Hypertext Markup Language (HTML). It speeded the development of online publication. Today, the world is enjoying more advanced technologies such as CSS, PHP and MySQL for web publication. Web hosting and domain registration service provider agencies are established worldwide. The consequence is the availability of any needed or searched information of any longitude.
Internet in Nepal:
The credit of introducing internet in Nepal goes to the senior journalist Mr. Bharat Dutta Koirala. He introduced e-mail under the name of 'electronic mailbox' during immediate post Jana Aandolan period. The users of the mailbox were 'World View Nepal' and 'Nepal Forum of Environmental Journalist (NEFEJ)'. Next to that the then Royal Nepal Academy of Science & Technology (RONAST)' started using e-mail using the PC-trunk dial to India.
'Mercantile Communication' became the first professional organization to introduce net facility in Nepal with the service of e-mail in 2051 BS.  Next to the Mercantile, 'Worldlink' started providing internet services in Kathmandu valley. The business competition between these two companies helped fostering and increasing the access of Nepalese people and organizations to internet. Today's giant ISP 'Nepal Telecom (Nepal Telecommunications Corporation)' started to provide internet on 2058 BS, causing thousands of Nepalese to subscribe and connect internet in their homes, rooms and offices easily.

Today Nepal Telecom has become the largest ISP followed by several companies such as United Telecom Limited, Mercantile Communication, Worldlink, Vianet, Spice Nepal, Broadlink, Everest, Speedcast, Websurfer etc. The rural districts of Manang, Mustang and Jumla are using VSAT internet. Wireless WI-Fi service has been started in Kathmandu valley by Broadlink.  Mobile WAP and GPRS service provided by Nepal Telecom and Ncell in their GSM system has brought the internet to the hands and palms of hundreds of thousands Nepalese people.

Development of Online Journalism:
The internet was developed in the western hemisphere during 1970's, even before the introduction of IBM computer system. It sounds funny hearing that people would use internet in television and not in computer set during the starting phase. Up to 1970's, computer would be used to store and process data of internet and television screen would display it. It was because of the then computer's size, weight and cost, much larger and heavier than today's. Such technology in which a 'decoder box' would be annexed to viewer's television set for receiving data lasted as late as 1990.

Two different technologies of online journalism were developed during 1970's.  The first is 'Tele text' and the second 'Video text'. Tele text technology was first used by BBC under the heading of 'Ceefax' in which news and graphs would be sent to the TV set and the users could read or view selecting from the primary listing of information via remote controller. It’s a single track communication technology, originally developed for the deaf audiences, in which users can't put forward their feedbacks. BBC has declared its Ceefax service will end by 2012 AD. On the next side was video text in which two way communications became possible. In this technology, computer was used to send electronic signals. Data transferred through it could be viewed in television, computer or video monitor. In this process, Telephone wire, two line or network cables and wireless technology are used to create a network. Today's World Wide Web is developed form of video text technology.

Online or e-journalism is the process of delivering or publishing news and information to the viewers via internet and computer. It was developed parallel to the internet. It displays texts, figures, audios and videos in mingled form, carrying the characteristics of print, radio and television journalism together. Today anyone can be a reporter, editor or publisher with internet based sites or pages.

The US based site 'Chicago Tribune' is supposed to be the first modern online publication. It was first appeared online on 1992 AD pioneering the path of internet journalism. Now-a-days, thousands of news portals and online version of various Medias can be accessed on internet. The news agencies like AP, AFP, Xinhua, Reuters etc and media organizations like BBC, CNN, Al Jazeera, Fox news, CRI etc are also available online. Besides, millions of informative and entertainment based sites and blogs are also available.

Development of Online Journalism in Nepal:
As the first Nepalese newspaper was published abroad, i.e. in India; the first online publication about Nepal was also published abroad, i.e. in United States. Nepalese people residing in US published a news site about Nepal named 'The Nepal Digest (TND) in 1992 under the leadership of Rajpal Singh. The publication was regular at the beginning but went irregular before it shut down after the 449th edition. Later, New York based 'TND Foundation' resumed its regular publication since 2003 up to 2005 AD.

In case of mainland Nepal, 'The Kathmandu Post' started its online version's publication on 1995 AD, as a joint venture to Mercantile Communication. Kantipur Publication claims it to be the first online version of newspaper in the entire south Asian sub-continent. The publication was available on Mercantile hosted and run business website: Despite the fewer number of online readers in Nepal, the site got much popularity outside Nepal. Later, Mercantile published a new and full fledged Nepalese news site on the domain of It was hosted since 1999 AD (Kartik 2056 BS), comprising the online newspapers of and contemporary major print publications of Nepal. It's considered credible and accurate on Nepalese news internationally.

The first Nepalese online page to host on its own domain is Himal South Asia under which started publishing on1997. Many Nepalese publication houses were still indifferent to web at the moment Himal was clickable online. Afterwards Kantipur publication moved to web on the domain of and later keeping it's dominance on Nepalese internet world as well. The site is a platform of its total publications - Kantipur, The Kathmandu Post, Kantipur Saptahik, Kantipur Qatar, Nepal and Naari. During the recent days, all major broadsheets are publishing electronically. The state run Gorkhapatra Corporation's news and informative publications are available on Similarly Kamana Publication is running its news site  Rajdhani national daily's and The Himalayan Times cum Annapurna Post's are also online. The UCPN (Maoist)'s publications such as Janadisha daily and Janadesh Weekly are available on The famous weekly Jana Aastha is appearing on and other weeklies are collectively published online via Mercantile hosted site: News sites hosted out of mainland Nepal such,, etc are also popular among the Nepalese internet users nationally and internationally.

Online Blogging:

The changed version of online journalism, where the unedited news, views, reviews and posts can be read or write is blog. The personal 'open diaries' publication in US Universities on 1996 AD can be assumed as the beginning of web blogging and today it has become a lifestyle. The western world has approved it as grass root journalism and the bloggers are considered to be the journalists. In case of Nepal it's simply limited to citizen journalism because of the limited access and availability of internet or computer knowledge nationwide.
The technology for blogging is easy and it's accessible to everyone. Registering a domain is not necessary for blogging, though some blogs are hosted on registered domains and operated similar to a website. The Google's blog hosting site is especially famous among bloggers worldwide. Besides,, and even the MSN, facebook, flicker and myspace pages are used for posting blogs.
Blogging is supposed to have started in Nepal with the publication of in which nearly half a dozen journalists are continuously posting their pages under the slogan of 'United we blog for a democratic Nepal'. Except it, there are hundreds of blogging pages hosted by journalists, authors, musicians, politicians and individuals. Some famous and highly trafficked Nepalese blog pages are,, etc. The site publishes an alphabetical list of Nepalese blog sites. However, publishing the literary creations and news based articles on the blogs are now general but the accuracy and credibility of blogs are often questioned. ( is the trademark owned by the parent company Mercantile Communications Pvt. Ltd., Durbar Marg, Kathmandu, Nepal ( Till early 1998, hosted only a few of publications and they were not updated on a daily basis. At that time only two persons were responsible for updating the site and the contract with the publications were generally vague. In the third quarter or 1999, Mercantile decided that it would put more resources into making this site more professional. The following steps were taken:
A team of eight was setup to run the news site.
A new website was launched, i.e.
Contracts were signed with about 7 publications, which allowed Mercantile to host the publications in 7 days a week. Since then, we have progressed to host 21 publications and other sections like BBC Nepali Service, Weekly Polls, Chat, Zodiac, Weather and others. In the immediate future, not only will we be adding to the list of publications, but also we will be offering other columns and services like lifestyles, communities, surveys, discussion groups and other such sections.

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