Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Nepal Constitution 2015 and Press freedom

17. Right to Freedom: (1) Except as provided for by law no person shall be deprived of her/his personal liberty.
(2) Every citizen shall have the following freedoms:
(a) freedom of opinion and expression,
 (f) freedom to engage in any occupation or be engaged in employment, establish and operate industry, trade and business in any part of Nepal.
19. Rights to communication: (1) There shall be no prior censorship of publications and broadcasting, or information dissemination, or printing of any news item, editorial, article, feature, or other reading material, or the use of audio-visual material by any medium, including electronic publication, broadcasting and printing.
(2) If there is any broadcasting, publishing or printing, or dissemination of news, article, editorial, feature, or other material through the medium of electronic equipment or the use of visuals or audio-visuals, no radio, television, online publication or any kind of digital or electronic equipment, or press, or other kind of media outlet, shall be closed, seized, or their registration cancelled for publishing, or transmitting, or broadcasting such material. Provided that nothing in this sub-clause shall be deemed to prevent the making of Acts to regulate radio, television, online or the use of any other kind of digital or electronic equipment, printing press or other medium of communication.
(3) No means of communication including the press, electronic broadcasting and telephone shall be obstructed except in accordance with law.
27. Right to information: Every citizen shall have the right to seek information on any matters of concern to her/him or the public. Provided that nothing shall be deemed to compel any person to provide information about which confidentiality is to be maintained according to law.
28. Right to privacy: Except in circumstances provided by law, privacy in relation to the person, and their residence, property, documents, records, statistics and correspondence, and their reputation are inviolable.

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Limitations :
Provided that nothing shall be deemed to prevent the making of laws to impose reasonable restriction on any act which may undermine the nationality, sovereignty, and indivisibility of Nepal, or the good relations between federal units, or jeopardizes the harmonious relations subsisting among different caste groups and tribes, or communities, or an act of treason, or defamation of social dignity of individuals through the publication and dissemination of false material, or contempt of court, or material that incites criminal offence, or an act that is contrary to decent public behavior and morality, or disrespects labour, or incites untouchability or gender discriminations.

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