Saturday, July 29, 2017

What are the major Functions of Mass Communication?


Communication needs of the society must be met for the existence of the society. Primitive society had sentinels that scanned the environment and repeated dangers. Council of elders interpreted facts and made decisions.
Tribal meetings were used to transmit these decisions to the rest of the group. As society became larger and more complex, these jobs also became big and complex to be handled by single individuals. With the advent of technology, these jobs were taken over by the mass media. The major functions of mass communication are :
1. Surveillance
2. Interpretation
3. Transmission of values
4. Lineage
5. Entertainment.
The functions served by mass communication are very similar to those fulfilled by others types of communications. The way mass communication performs these function is discussed here.

Communication and Mass Communication

1.      Communication
2.      Features of communications
3.      Purposes of communication
4.      Importance of Communication
5.      Non-verbal communication
6.      Importance of Non-Verbal Communication
7.      Elements of Communication Process
8.     Mass Communication

Human beings communicate with each other through speech and gestures, whereas animals, birds, insects and even plants communicate through Sounds. Sense organs and Movements.

is derived from the Latin word 'Communis' which means to make common, to transmit to impart or to share between two or more persons or groups.” Communication is the natural aspect of man's life. Communication is as old as human, human being himself starts communicating from birth. When a baby cries it is communicating its need for attention or milk, when it gurgles (happy) it is expressing its sense of satisfaction.

Man has always tried to share his thoughts, experiences and feelings with others. We achieve our goals according to our ability to communicate effectively. Communication is the basis of all Socio-economic, Political and Cultural activities. There can be no society without communication.

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Blogging in Nepal


Blogging roots its origin to weblog. With the rapid advancement in information and Communication Technology (ICT), every individual felt like Communicating through it. To meet those demands, some companies began providing mailboxes to individuals, in most cases, free of cost. Earlier, this phenomenon was used for exchanging mails, which came to be known as e-mail, i.e. electronic mail. However, this couldn't quench people's thirst for more effective and faster communication with large number of people at once, not only with those in the mailing list. As the old saying lays- necessity gives birth to invention, a phenomenon was born i.e. weblog. It is purely a 21st century phenomenon of journalism.

Initially, weblogs were used as personal web diary and designed for the same: to permit a user to upload and save his documents and information into the web. Some companies e.g. blogsome, blogspot etc. provided separate weblogs to the individuals. It was simply like writing in the web, instead of copy. When individuals began sharing their weblog addresses and exchanged information as comments, the potential of weblogs was felt as a vibrant means of sharing information. The shorter form of weblog became blogs. Later, those blogs were used by amateur writers/journalists to express their views, some news around them and opinions. Eventually, lacking government control, legal censorship and regulation, the blogs set new standards in freedom of speech and expression. They opened new avenues for every individual to express freely on any subject. They stood as an alternative means of expression against the mainstream media that has been generally guided by market economy and political influence in recent decades.

Press Law in Nepal

Definitions : Press law defined the rules regulating the press, the publishing industry and electronic media, such laws frequently determine the rights and responsibilities of journalists.
The expression press laws, commonly referes to a special law, which is solely directed against a printing establishment or those who are concerned with the printing and publication of printed matter, such laws would not affect other persons, who are not engaged in printing or publishing printed matter.
Traditional law of Nepal
-           Oral directions made by chief of the state.
-          Lalmohor
-          Religions, traditions, cultures
-          Dibyopadesh made by Prithvi Narayan Shah
-          Inscriptions
Muluki Ain
No documented and codified law before 1910 BS. Muluki Ain was the first codified laws of Nepal; Contribution of Janga Bahadur Rana, inspired by Nepolian code. In Muluki Ain there waw some provision related to publication, but silence about the press though Giddhe Press was already entered two years before. Two main Provisions of Muluki Ain :
1- Approved authority to Gorkha Bhasa Prakasini samiti
2- Copyright registration

Nepal Constitution 2015 and Press freedom

17. Right to Freedom: (1) Except as provided for by law no person shall be deprived of her/his personal liberty.
(2) Every citizen shall have the following freedoms:
(a) freedom of opinion and expression,
 (f) freedom to engage in any occupation or be engaged in employment, establish and operate industry, trade and business in any part of Nepal.
19. Rights to communication: (1) There shall be no prior censorship of publications and broadcasting, or information dissemination, or printing of any news item, editorial, article, feature, or other reading material, or the use of audio-visual material by any medium, including electronic publication, broadcasting and printing.
(2) If there is any broadcasting, publishing or printing, or dissemination of news, article, editorial, feature, or other material through the medium of electronic equipment or the use of visuals or audio-visuals, no radio, television, online publication or any kind of digital or electronic equipment, or press, or other kind of media outlet, shall be closed, seized, or their registration cancelled for publishing, or transmitting, or broadcasting such material. Provided that nothing in this sub-clause shall be deemed to prevent the making of Acts to regulate radio, television, online or the use of any other kind of digital or electronic equipment, printing press or other medium of communication.
(3) No means of communication including the press, electronic broadcasting and telephone shall be obstructed except in accordance with law.
27. Right to information: Every citizen shall have the right to seek information on any matters of concern to her/him or the public. Provided that nothing shall be deemed to compel any person to provide information about which confidentiality is to be maintained according to law.
28. Right to privacy: Except in circumstances provided by law, privacy in relation to the person, and their residence, property, documents, records, statistics and correspondence, and their reputation are inviolable.

World Development of mass media

Before 19th century
Early forms of transmitting news began with word of mouth; news was limited to what someone saw and retold. There have also always been informal networks of travelers and traders. The medium of communication developed from the clay tablets of Mesopotamia in Egypt and Greece.
In 59 BC roman emperor Julius Caesar published the Acta Diurna. He wants to inform the public about important social and political happening. So, he ordered to upcoming events posted in major cities that were Acta Diurna. Written on a large board and displayed in popular places, Acta Diurna kept citizens informed about government activities, military campaigns or trials and executions.
Before Acta diurnal appeared in Rome, paper invented in china in 105 BC. Then in fourth century first wooden printing press invented in china, symbols carved on wooden block.
In 1455 Johannes Gutenberg invented a printing press with metal movable type. At first he secretly kept his technology for some years. Later he published holy bible. One hundred copies of bible were already published till his death in 1460's decade.
After the development of printing press newsletters and pamphlets were published and being circulated in German cities, by the late 15th century. Even in the ancient and early medieval times bulletins, news bulletins and pamphlets and other propaganda materials were used to be posted on the walls. Royal order and proclamations were also posted on the walls or inscribed on the stone. Kings had used spies or agents to get the news from the other king of state.

History of Mass media in Nepal

- History of media goes parallel with the political history of any country. We can also witness similar situation in Nepalese context. The history of Nepali media has been immensely influenced by the Nepalese political history.
- The political history of Nepali journalism can be divided into seven phases.

· Traditional communication system
· Rana period
· Period after the establishment of democracy
· Panchayat period
· Period after the restoration of democracy
· Period during king’s regime ­
· Period following the success of People's Movement-2063 BS onwards

Traditional Communication System
During the period, there were no any aids of print and audio-visual media. This period of traditional communication system is non-recorded history of Nepali Media.
Bengal Gazette, as the first newspaper of the South Asia, was published from Calcutta, India in 1837 BS (1780AD). However, it did not have any effect to the development of Nepali journalism. Nepal was passing through the unification era at the moment during which no educational or extra activities took momentum. Owing to the political, educational, transportation among many other causes, no influential move took place regarding the publishing of newspapers in Nepal. 'Katuwal Karaune', 'Jhyali Pitne', 'Sankha Phukne', 'Damaha Thataune', 'Karnal Phukne' etc. were in practice for public information and mass communication during this period .
Those practices were in use for a long time and are still in existence in some rural parts of Nepal. Katuwal played an important role in the history of mass communication of Nepal; village panchayat used to appoint them as peons. Due to the geographical difficulties, illiteracy, backward communities and other difficulties in the country, Katuwals were more effective than other modern media including newspapers to disseminate information.
Rana period − 19o3 to 2007
This period is considered as the initial phase or beginning of the development of journalism of Nepal.
In 1908 BS, then Prime Minister Jung Bahadur Rana (JBR) imported a hand press instruments in Nepal from Europe in course of his visit there.
Although it was used for publication purpose only after 58 years of its entry into Nepal, It was said to be the first press machine here..
It was kept at JBR's then Palace at Thapathali, Kathmandu. Due to the trademark of an eagle pasted in the machine, it was often called 'Giddhe Press'. But its official name was Type Printing Press '.
This was the Nepali magazine brought out from Banaras, India. This is first media outlet in Nepali language. Ram Krishna Barma served as the founder editor of this magazine brought out on the prime initiative of great scholar Moti Ram Bhatta. Gorkha Bharat Jeevan was a monthly magazine based on literature. It was Printed at Bharat Jeevan Press, Banaras which was owned by Editor himself. There was no uniformity regarding the date of its publication, however, different dates are found in the history of journalism.