Saturday, July 29, 2017

What are the major Functions of Mass Communication?


Communication needs of the society must be met for the existence of the society. Primitive society had sentinels that scanned the environment and repeated dangers. Council of elders interpreted facts and made decisions.
Tribal meetings were used to transmit these decisions to the rest of the group. As society became larger and more complex, these jobs also became big and complex to be handled by single individuals. With the advent of technology, these jobs were taken over by the mass media. The major functions of mass communication are :
1. Surveillance
2. Interpretation
3. Transmission of values
4. Lineage
5. Entertainment.
The functions served by mass communication are very similar to those fulfilled by others types of communications. The way mass communication performs these function is discussed here.

Communication and Mass Communication

1.      Communication
2.      Features of communications
3.      Purposes of communication
4.      Importance of Communication
5.      Non-verbal communication
6.      Importance of Non-Verbal Communication
7.      Elements of Communication Process
8.     Mass Communication

Human beings communicate with each other through speech and gestures, whereas animals, birds, insects and even plants communicate through Sounds. Sense organs and Movements.

is derived from the Latin word 'Communis' which means to make common, to transmit to impart or to share between two or more persons or groups.” Communication is the natural aspect of man's life. Communication is as old as human, human being himself starts communicating from birth. When a baby cries it is communicating its need for attention or milk, when it gurgles (happy) it is expressing its sense of satisfaction.

Man has always tried to share his thoughts, experiences and feelings with others. We achieve our goals according to our ability to communicate effectively. Communication is the basis of all Socio-economic, Political and Cultural activities. There can be no society without communication.