Principle Press and Practice
The key word of the principle of journalism is democracy. k|hftGq ljlxg cj:yfdf :jtGq kqsfl/tfnfO{ ckgfpg sl7g ePsf] x'gfn] cfwf/e"t tTjsf] ?kdf k|hftGqnfO{ lng] ul/G5 . ljZjdf lgle{s kqsfl/tf hxf“ km:6fPsf] 5, lglj{sNk Toxf“ k|hftGq 5 . k|hftGq eg]sf] Jojxf/ xf] . pQ/bfloTj lng] / k'/f ug]{ kl/kf6L g} k|hftflGqs cEof; xf] . hltv]/ ;}4flGts ?kdf k|hftGq Jojxf/df nfu" x'G5 Tof] zf;gnfO{ cfbz{ dflgG5 . c?sf] ljrf/sf] sb/ k|hftflGqs cEof;df dfq x'G5 . o; Joj:yfdf x's'dL z}nL sdhf]/ / dxTjk"0f{ ljrf/sf] e"ldsf alnof] /xG5 .
It is not easy to define Democracy. It is a huge political system. Mainly it is defining as; for the people, by the people to the people; where every people have responsibilities to the country.
Mass communication can be effective only in democratic political system. The democratic constitution provides right to information, speech, publish and so on. We can find the respect of public right only in democratic political system g]kfn clw/fHosf] ;+ljwfg @)$& n] wf/f !@ / !# df k|:6};“u jfs tyf k|sfzgsf] :jtGqtfsf] k|Tofe't u/]sf] 5 . wf/f !^ n] ;"rgfsf] xssf] Joj:yf u/]sf] 5 . To;}n] This constitution is defined as one of the best constitution in the world for press freedom. Whither the constitution provides more, the system of implication is worse. That is why Nepalese press is not getting freedom as the constitution has provided. The provision of press in constitution is stander; the laws are nice but implication system is worse. And media is not in sound system of freedom.
In democracy, media should not be controlled for its contents. In the context of Nepal, k~rfotsfnsf] cjlwdf k|];n] clt g} lyrf]ldrf] ;xg'k/]sf] lyof] . ;dfrf/ k|sfzgsf] cfwf/df w]/} kqsf/ y'lgg' klqsf hkmt x'g' :jefljs 7xy]{ . ljZjsf t];|f] d'n's eg]/ dfkbl08t /fHodf /fhgLltn] ;fdflhs, cfly{s / ;f:s[lts d'No dfGotfnfO{ cfk\mgf] kIfdf 9fNg] u/]sf] kfOG5 . g]kfn clw/fHosf] ;+ljwfg @)$& n] k|]; :jtGqtfsf] ;Dk"0f{ k|Tofe'lt u/]sf] ePklg ;+s6sfnsf] cj:yfdf tL ;a} clwsf/ lgnDag x'g] k|fjwfg 5 . h; cg';f/ g]kfnL kqsfl/tfn] @)%* ;fndf To:t} bb{gfs cj:yf ef]Ug'k¥of] h'g k~rfotsf] #) jif{df eGbf 8/nfUbf] lyof] .
Democracy, being the key factor of Journalism, Nepalese press played a vital role in the period of PANCHAYAT. That was anti constituting behaviors; which made media difficult to survive. As the Democracy restored in 2046, mass media has got totally freedom. 'The big attendances of journalism shows the future of democracy in Nepal is secure.' Kamal Thapa, minister for information and communication, 6 may 2004.
cj:yf clxn] klg ;'lw|Psf] 5}g . dfcf]jfbLn] u/]sf] ;z:q ljb|f]x kl5 b'a} kIf -/fHo / dfcf]jfbL_ af6 kqsf/ kLl8t eO/x]sf 5g\ . o:tf] åGådf /fHo / ljb|f]xL b'a}sf] b'Zdgsf] ?kdf ldl8of /xG5 . cem kfP;Dd oL b'a} kIfn] ldl8ofsf] b'?kof]u u5{g\ . g;s]kl5 ldl8ofdfly dfly g} wfjf af]Ng yfN5g\ . /fHo / u}//fHo kIfaf6 kqsf/sf] ckx/0f, j]kQf / dfl/g]qmdn] jt{dfg g]kfn kqsfl/tfsf] Oltxf;sf] clt g} dxTjk"0f{ sfnv08 aGg k'u]sf] 5 . /fHo / u}/ /fHokIfsf] propaganda tool sf ?kdf ;+rf/ dfWod clt g} k|of]u ePsf 5g\ . Tof];“u} kLl8t x'g]qmd klg al9/x]sf] 5 .
Whither media are free technically, there are many factors which control it. The political condition, social structure, economic condition, and the investment on media are the major factors that control media.
Main stream media applies similarity at presenting news, views, and programs. In Nepalese context, the ownership is the main obstacle for fair news. There is a popular word JP (hfg} kg]{ ) which mean must be publish or broadcast. That type of ordered comes from management, not from editorial board, for the interests of publisher or advertiser. When the JP news publish or broadcast, the another news can not be adjust, and audience may lose importance. That mean sometime the most valuable news becomes valueless and valueless becomes valuable.
kqsf/ lszf]/ g]kfnsf] egfO{df …uPsf] !# jif{df g]kfnL kqsfl/tfdf w]/} ljsf; ePklg ;Dkfbssf] kbdfly clt g} cjd"Nog ePsf] 5Ú ;DkfbsLo / Joj:yfksLo åGån] of] cjlwdf w]/} ;DkfbsLo ;d"x g]kfnL kqsfl/tfn] km]l//x\of] .
If there is not equality, the meaning of democracy become meaning less. The equal participation plays big role in democracy. In this context, media should be responsible for society. Media can find the conclusion of suggestions form the various participation of public. If media gives priority to officials or famous persons only, we do not find local participation to solve problems or to highlight issues; because media is the voice of voiceless.
;}4flGts cfwf/df JofVof ePklg g]kfnL kqsfl/tfdf kqsf/sf] e"ldsf klg d"Nofª\sg ug'{kg]{ cj:yf 5 . kqsfl/tfsf ;+u7g / tLgsf Jojxf/ gs]nfpg] xf] eg] ;Dk"0f{ bf]ifsf] eflubf/ cfly{s / /fhgLlts kIf x'g]u5{ . ldl8ofnfO{ cfly{s / /fhgLlts kIfaf6 ePsf bjfj lj?4 ;To kqsfl/tf ug]{n] lj/f]w u/]sf 5g\ t < ;fob} kfOG5 . cGo If]qsf] h:t} Joj;flostf ckgfpg g;Sbf kqsf/ cfkm} k|hftGq / Joj;flostfsf] ljkIfdf plePsf] efg x'G5 .
Media must be responsible for democratic practices. It reduces the distance between one people to another and time. It breaks the ice in the time of soundless. That is why it is defined as the first draft of history. t/ Oltxf;sf] klxnf] cIf/ unt ?kdf JofVof eO/x]sf] t 5}g < /fHo jf u}/ /fHokIfaf6 kLl8t ePsf kqsf/n] o:tf] kL8f kfpg'df cfk\mg} sdhf]/L 5}gg\ t < Ps k6s ;f]Rg'kg]{ cj:yf cfO;s]sf] 5 . ;To, tYo / ljZj;gLotfnfO{ cfwf/ dfGg' kqsfl/tfsf] l;4fGt xf] . t/, ;To / tYonfO{ cfk\mgf] kmfObf cg';f/ JofVof ug]{ kl/kf6Lsf] ljsf; xfd|} kqsfl/tfdf ePsf] 5 . o; cy{df xfdL x/]s lbgsf] ;To Oltxf;df /x]/ unt Oltxf;sf] :j?k tof/ ul//x]sf klg x'g;S5f}+ . Oltxf; lxhf]sf] eGbf cfhsf] dxTjk"0f{ x''g'k5{ eGg] cfwf/df kqsfl/tf x'g'kg]{ xf] t/ ePsf] 5}g .
There are two types of democracy
1. Electoral democracy
2. liberal democracy
Electoral: In this democracy, we can find the technical sides but not the values of democracy. In this type, election is the main thing. Somebody wins and does nothing. In this system, technically looks everything is correct but hides many criminal cases. g]kfnsf] kqsfl/tfnfO{ o:t} k|hftGqsf] ?kdf JofVof u/] ldN5 . /fhgLlt cl:y/tf o;s} pbfx/0f xf] . k|hftGqdf ;dfg ;xeflutf x'G5 . o;}nfO{ h8 ljifo agfP/ ;+;bdf ( l;6 cf]u6]sf] /fhgLlts bnn] xltof/ p7fP/ lx+;fTds cfGbf]ng yfNof]] . ;dfg cj;/ gkfPs} cfwf/df w]/} hfltut ;+u7gn] lx+;fsf] ;fy lbO/x]sf 5g\ . Now that minority group is the most powerful political party in Nepal.
Liberal: it carries the norms and values of democracy. The ethical question rises in this system. Everyone fulfill their duties and becomes responsible to society. We find these types of democracy in western countries where the citizens become proud paying tax to government.
Media adopts the norms and values of liberal democracy and provides equality and immediate justices. Gf]kfnsf] ;Gb{enfO{ oxf“ hf]8\g] xf] eg] k|hftGq k'g{k|flKtsf !$ jif{df electoral democracy sf] dfq k|of]u ePsf] b]lvG5 . ;dfg ;xeflutf sd, pQ/bfloTjljlxgtf, b08lxgtf / o:t} k|Zgx¿ k|z:t} p7]sf] kfOG5 . jf:tjdf k|hftGq ljt[i0ff hufpg] sfd electoral democracy n] g} u/]sf] b]lvG5 . dlNns cfof]usf] k|ltj]bgk|ltsf] j]jf:tf jf lx+;fTds aGg nfu]sf] ;+o'Qm hgdf]rf{sf] $) a'“b] dfukq, pbf/ k|hftGqdf o;/L j]j:tfsf] ljifo x'g] lyPgg\ . ;f] dfukqsf] * cf}+ j'bfdf ljb]zL clZnn l;g]df / kqklqsfnfO{ k|ltjGw ug'{kg]{ tyf @# cf++} j'“bfdf jfs :jtGqtf / ;/sf/L dfWod :jfoQ x'g'kg]{ pNn]v 5 . ;fdfGo gful/s 5f]8f}+, ;+;bdf k'?if ;f+;bn] ;'Ts]/L eQf / cf}ifwf]krf/ ;d]t lng] ljZjs} cgf}7f] k|hftflGqs cEof; ePsf] d'n'sdf k|]; eg] Tolt u}/ lhDd]af/ eg] ePsf] 5}g . ljleGg ;GwL÷ ;Demf}tf / e|i6frf/dfly k|];sf] gh/ k/]sf 5g\ . To;n] TolQs} k|efj klg kf/]sf] 5 . t/, h'g qmddf x'g'kYof]{ Tof] eg] 5}g . cem}, /fHo k|0ffnLdf ljleGg r'xfj6 sfod} 5g\ .
Media must be responsible during national crisis. According to Defleur Dennis, the crisis like war, reporting some kind of information can give the enemy a clear advantage. He writes in Understanding mass communication; 'Recognizing the danger facing their nation, American have generally accepted some sort of censorship during wars.'
In our case, do media play such role? Journalists are being arrested\killed by both government and Maoist, because of their opposite news. Both sides accusing that media are providing information to their enemies. What responsibilities do media have during the national crisis like Nepal? What would be the press agenda on peace building or conflict resolution? jf:tjdf xfdL sensational news lbg]qmddf dfq 5}gf}+ t < xfdLn] sensational news lbg'sf] p2]Zo Jofkfl/s d'gfkmf klg w]/} xf] eGg ;lsGg . ljj/0fnfO{ cfwf/ dfg]/ tof/ ePsf ;+rf/ ;fdfu|Ln] ;d:of ;dfwfgsf] b[li6sf]0fdf sfd} u/]sf 5}gg\ . ;+s6sf] cj:yfdf media sf] Ph]08f to x'g g;Sg' csf]{ b'efUok"0f{ s'/f xf] . The senior Maoist leader Dr. Baburam Bhattarai's reaction was as follow,' Nepalese media was not serious as the time of peace talk. They just follow the small things; do not give interest in solution.' According to him during the second government-Maoist peace talk, media coverage was sacrificially. Psflt/ :jtGq kqsfl/tfsf] kIfdf atfpg] dfcf]jfbL kIfn] kqsf/ xTof, wDsL / lj:yfkgf u/fpg] sfd /f]s]sf] 5}g . o; cfwf/df pgLx¿ klg r's]sf] dfGg ;S5f}+ .
g]kfnL kqsfl/tfsf] ljsf;nfO{ x]g]{ xf] eg] @))& ;fn kmfu'g * ut]b]lv g} lghL If]qaf6 klxnf] b}lgs klqsf cfjfhsf] k|sfzg k|f/De ePsf] kfOG5 . jf:tjdf /fhgLlts ljsf;qmdn] ;~rf/sf] ljsf;qmddf ;a}eGbf dxTjk"0f{ e"ldsf v]n]sf] x'G5 . o;sf] ljsfzqmdnfO{ xfdLn] kf“r efudf /fv]/ JofVof ubf{ pko'Qm x'G5 .
!_ k"j{ k|hftGqsfn M of] cjlw g]kfnL kqsfl/tfsf] k|f/Desfn dflgG5 . lj;+ !()* df h+ujfxfb'/n] a]nfotaf6 NofPsf] lu4] k|]; g} klxnf] k|]; xf] . lj; !($# df ef/taf6 df]lt/fd e§sf] ;lqmotfdf uf]vf{ ef/t hLjg klxnf] magazine sf ?kdf k|sflzt ePsf] kfOG5 . To:t} df]lt/fd e§n] g} :yfkgf u/]sf] kz'klt 5fkfvfgf klxnf] lghL 5fkfvfgf dflgG5 . !(%* df k|sflzt uf]/vfkq ;fKtflxsnfO{ g} g]kfnL kqsfl/tfdf klxnf] ;dfrf/d"ns klqsfsf ?kdf lnOG5 . of] klqsf @))) df cfOk'Ubf ;ftfdf b'O{ k6s / @)!& ;fndf b}lgs eof] . of] cjlwdf ef/taf6 y'k|} ;flxlTos / /fhgLlts kqklqsf k|sflzt eP . /f0ffsfn ePsfn] k|sfzg ug]{ clwsf/ lyPg . lj;+ @))) sf] z'?jftdfdfq g]kfnLn] lghL /]l8of] /fVg kfpg] eP . @))# df klxnf] k6s ljB't k|flws/0faf6 /]l8of] k/LIf0f k|;f/0f eof] . oltv]/ ehg ahfP/ /]l8of] k|;f/0f ul/GYof] .
@_ @))& b]lv @)!& ;fn M @))& ;fn kmfu'g * ut] b]lv lghL If]qsf] b}lgs klqsfsf ?kdf cfjfh k|sflzt eof] . of] k|hftGqdf dfq k|]; /xg;S5 eGg] ;}4flGts cfwf/ k'i7L ug]{ k|sfzg lyof] . k|hftGqkl5 PSsf;L ;~rf/ If]qdf af9L g} cfof] . jfs :jtGqtf ePsfn] ;VofTds ?kdf w]/} k|sfzg k|f/De eP . /]l8of] g]kfnn] lg/Gt/tf kfof] . & ;fnkl5 cfw'lgs lzIff, ljsf;sf k"jf{wf/ aGg] cleofg rNof] . cfly{s ljsf;sf] qmd klg a9\of] . t/, ;~rf/sf dfWoddf ePsf] PSsf;Lsf] j[l4n] stflt/ hfg] eGg] af6f] kfPg . klqsf btf{ x'g' / aGb x'g' :jefljs klqmof eP .
#= @)!& b]lv @)#^ M oltv]/ cfOk'Ubf ef}lts k"jf{wf/ w]/} tof/ eO;s]sf lyP . k|hftGq lyPg . k~rfotL Joj:yfsf lj?4 n]Vg kfOGgYof] . s'g} klg ;do klqsf hkmt / aGb g} ul/Gy] . oltv]/ /fhgLlts bnk|]l/t kqklqsf e"ldut ?kdf lg:sGy] . ;~rf/ dfWodx¿ cfly{s cefjsf sf/0f ?U0f lyP . ;dofgs'n ljsf; eg] lj:tf/} ePklg eO/x]sf lyP . /]l8of]sf] ljsf; ug]{ qmddf @)!* ;fndf u|fld0f If]qdf >j0fs]Gb|sf] :yfkgf eof] . o;n] klg /]l8of]sf] ljsf;df ;3fp k'¥ofof] .
$= @)#^ b]lv @)$^ M k~rfotsfn g} ePklg of] cjlw kqsfl/tfsf nflu t'ngfTds ?kdf /fd|f] ;do lyof] . of] aLrdf
, c:ktfn, :s'n cflbsf] w]/} ljsf; eO;s]sf] lyof] . hgdt ;+u|xsf] 3f]if0ffkl5 ;/sf/L d'vkq uf]/vfkq ;d]t t6:y ?kdf lg:sof] . ;+;bsf] ultljlw k|sfzg ug{ kfOg] eof] . zfxL k|];sf] cfof]un] lbPsf ;'emfa cg';f/ k|];dflysf lgoGq0f qmdzM v'lDrP . of] cjlwsf klqsfx¿df Ps} JolQm ;Dkfbs / k|sfzs /xGy] . /fhgLlt k|]l/t kqsfl/tfn] :yfg cf]u6]sf] lyof] . partisan press sf] ljsf; eO/x]sf] lyof] .
%= @)$^ b]lv otfsf] cjlwdf b]zsf ;a} kIfeGbf ljsl;t ePsf] ;~rf/ g} xf] . ;+ljwfgdf g} pNn]lvt k|]; :jtGqtfnfO{ ljZjs} pbf/ dWo] Ps eg]/ JofVof ePsf] 5 . cfly{s ;fdflhs / z}lIfs If]qdf pNn]Vo km8\sf] dfg{ ;s]sf sf/0f lghL If]qn] pNn]Vo km8\sf] df/]sf] 5 . lghL If]qaf6 dfq xf]Og cGt/fli6«o If]qsf] nufgL ;d]t ;+rf/df eO/x]sf 5g\ . ljsf;;+u} o:tf nufgLn] ljjfb klg lgDTofO/x]sf] 5g\ . ;"rgf k|ljlwdf ePsf] ljZjJofkL ljsf;sf] k|efj ;x/ s]Gb|Lt ePklg al9/x]sf] 5 . u|fdL0f e]unfO{ 5f]8\g] xf] eg] ;x/L hLjg / ;+rf/ ljZjsf] s'g} klg d'n'seGbf g]kfndf sd 5}g . a9\bf] ;x/Ls/0f, z}lIfs If]qdf cfPsf] kl/j{tg / ;+rf/ ;fd|fHojfbsf] k|efj ultn};+u kl/;s]sf] 5 . of] cjlwdf kqklqsf h;/L cfP/ To;/L g} aGb x'g] qmd klg a9]sf] 5 . @)%@ ;fndf cfPsf tLgj6f bL Pe/]i6 x]/fN8, >L ;u/dfyf / nf]skq /fhgLlt tyf cfly{s lvrftfgLsf sf/0f @ jif{d} @)%$ ;fndf aGb eP . To:t} >L b]p/fnL k|sflzt eof] / aGb klg eof] . kl5Nnf] ;dodf :k];6fOd 6'8] / :k];6fOd b}lgs aGb ePsf 5g\ . To:t} /fhwfgL, lxdfno 6fOD; klg d'l:sn}n] k|sfzg eO/x]sf] kfOG5 . Psfw kqklqsf afx]s kqsf/n] lgoldt kfl/>lds kfpg ;ls/x]sf 5}gg\ .
1. Democracy
/fhgLlts Jo:yfsf sf/0f ;~rf/ s;/L a9\g] xf] lgSof}n x'g]u5{ . Liberal democracy implies a low degree of political control of the media and a high degree of tolerance amongst political elites for the unwelcome and critical things which journalist in such a system will write and say.
hgk|ltlglw lgsfo ;jf]{Rrtf /xg] Joj:yfnfO{ k|hftGqsf] ?kdf JofVof ePsf] kfOG5 . ljlwsf] zf;gsf ?kdf klg k|hftGqnfO{ lnOG5 . /fHo Joj:yfdf ;a}eGbf nf]slk|o / dxTjk"0f{ :yfg k|hftGqn] lnPsf] 5 . ljleGg /fhgLlts Joj:yfsf] t'ngfdf pbf/ ePsf sf/0f clxn]sf] o'u k|hftflGqs o'u xf] . sDo'lgi6 zf;gnfO{ cfwf/ dfg]sf] l5d]sL d'n's rLg ;d]t cfkm"nfO{ k|hftflGqs/0f ub}{ ljZjd~rdf cl3 a9]sf] 5 eg] csf]{ l5d]sL ef/t ljZjs} ;a}eGbf 7"nf] nf]stflGqs /fHosf ?kdf Voflt sdfpg ;kmn ePsf] 5 . Authoritarian, communist / dominant party sf cfwf/ eGbf democracy clt g} pbf/ 5, k|];sf nflu . A liberal democracy political system demands journalistic criticism of elites as a condition of its legality.
democracy nfO{ klg b'O{ efudf ljefhg u/]/ JofVof ug{ ;lsG5 . Ps k"0f{ k|hftflGqs / csf]{ cw{ k|hftflGqs . Pl;ofnL d'n'sx¿df yfONof08, lkmlnlkG;, b= sf]l/of, tfOjfg / hfkfg k"0f{ k|hftflGqs cEof;df /x]sf d'n's x'g . d+uf]lnof, ef/t, g]kfn, d';{/km k'j{sf] kfls:tfg, >Ln+sf, j+unfb]z cw{ k|hftflGqs d'n'ssf ?kdf JofVof ul/Psf] 5 . cfly{s, ;fdflhs, /fhgLlts / ;f:s[lts cfwf/df d'n'sx¿ ljeflht ul/Psf x'g . t/ political right plays vital role than other factor do. The social, economic, and cultural freedom depends upon the political system of the country. Economic liberalization has created the concept of globalization. To keep the business in their grip, non democratic countries are also moving in the highway of freedom. Democracy depends upon human dignity.
Democracy carries the common views to diverse views equally. It respects and treats equally. However, in case of Nepal, we do not find such equality. The traditional culture of ruling is the main problem. Everyone needs freedom during they are in opposition, after reaching in government they starts to rule as previous did. ;fgf] / 7"nf] e]b gubf{ g} jf:tljs k|hftGqsf] cEof; ePsf] x'G5 . kb / kx'rsf] cfwf/df ;fgf JolQm 7"nf / ;j} u'0fn] /fd|f dfG5] ;fgf eO/x]sf] cj:yf 5 . kIf / ljkIf ;dfg ?kdf k|hftGqdf x's{g ;Sg'k5{ . /fhgLlts b[li6sf]0fn] x]g]{ xf] eg] g]kfnsf] /fhgLlts cl:y/tfsf] sf/0f oxL km/skgn] pAhfPsf] xf] . sdhf]/dfly ePsf] b'Jo{jxf/ jf sdhf]/sf] s'/f g;'Gg] k|j[ltn] /fhgLlts j[Qdf o;k|sf/sf] kl/0ffd xft kl//x]sf] 5 .
k|hftGqsf] csf]{ dxTk"0f{ s'/f eg]sf] ;dfg ;xeflutf klg xf] . s'g} klg gful/s /fhgLltdf nfUg ;S5 . hgdt cfk\mgf] kIfdf kfg{;S5 / ;d:ofsf] cfkm} ;dfwfg klg ug{;S5 . u}//fhgLlts If]qaf6 klg ;xeflutf k'Ug;S5 . cfkm"n] r'g]sf] k|ltlglw dfkm{t ;d:of ;dfwfg u/fpg' p;sf] clwsf/ xf] . Not only in politics, everywhere can anyone participate equally and fairly. Moreover, they must be responsible for state.
/f0ffsfnnfO{ ;dfKt u/]sf /fhgLlts bnsf g]tfn] To;kl5sf] cjlwdf Pp6} p2]Zo agfP /f0ffs} ;fgdf x's{g] . To;kl5 cfPsf] k~rfot Joj:yfn] klg x's'dL zf;gnfO{ g} c+ufNof] . x's'dL z}nLn] ljsf; ePsf] k~rfot @)$^ ;fndf 9Nof] . k|hftGqsf] nflu n8]sf eGg] g]tfx¿ klg cfk\mgf] lg0f{odfq ;xL xf] eGb} pxL /f0ffsfnsf] / k~rfotL Joj:yfsf] x's'dL z}nLdf cl3 a9] . k|hftGqdf ;a}sf] ljrf/sf] dxTj x'G5 . t/, of] cjlwdf ag]sf ;/sf/ / tLgsf g]tfn] ljrf/sf] sb/ u/]gg\, cfk\mg} x's'dL kf/f b]vfP . of] qmd al9/x\of] . x's'dL z}nLsf] lj/f]w ub}{ ;z:q ljb|f]xdf plqPsf] g]skf dfcf]jfbL klg x's'dL z}nLdf lx8]sf] 5 . cfk\mgf] ljrf/ lj?4 lx+;fTds sfjf{xL ug'{ ljrf/dflysf] lx+;f ug'{ xf] . cyf{t g]kfnsf] /fhgLlt x's'dL dfq x'g'n] ;~rf/sf] hlt Joj;flos ljsf; x'g'kYof]{ ;s]g .
In this practice, media should not expose out everything in the name of sensational. /fi6« k|ltsf] pQ/bfloTj ;~rf/sf dfWodn] b]vfpg} k5{ . Media should play the role of watch dog, not the role of lapdog from It is bounded of social politics values, typography, economy, social values, history etc. t/ ofb ug'{kg]{ s'/f eg]sf] ;dfhsf] /]vb]v xf] . ;dfhnfO{ ;xL ?kdf ;+rng ug{ ;~rf/ dfWodsf] 7"nf] e"ldsf /xG5 .
;}4flGts kIfnfO{ cfwf/ dfGg] xf] eg], the democratic role of media is bound up with a debate about how the media should be organized. Classical liberal argues the primary democratic role of the media is to act as a public watchdog overseeing the state. sltko cj:yf watchdog media sf] clwgfosjfb l;4fGt eg]/ JofVof klg ePsf 5g\ . Media sf] sfo{ bfo/f eg]/ kx/]bf/ tf]lsPsf]n] :jtGqtfdfly clwkTo eGg] cf/f]k klg nfu]sf] 5 . ;dfhsf] kx/]bf/sf] ?kdf media nfO{ lng] qmddf media cfkm} zf;s klg x'g;Sg] tkm{ cf/f]k nufpg]x¿ klZrdf d'n'sdf sd 5}gg\ . cfw'lgs k|hftGqsf] JofVof ug]{ qmddf Communication specialist Brain Mc Nair says, "Critical and pluralistic journalism is viewed as a safeguard against the possibility of a return to authoritarian rule and as a watchdog over the abuse of political power by those to whom it is entrusted by the people in election." Wathdog over the abuse of political power by those to whom it is entrusted by the people in election.
;}4flGts cfwf/df klg km]/jbn eO/xG5 . kl5Nnf k':tfn] watchdog nfO{ ;/sf/L egfO{ / jf:tljstfsf cfwf/df JofVof u/]sf 5g\ . critical surveillance of government is clearly an important aspect of the democratic function of the media. pgLx¿n] Nixon nfO{ cd]l/sL /fi6«klt x'“bf ePsf] Watergate e08fkmf]/, leotgfd o'4 cfbLnfO{ pbfx/0fsf ?kdf lnPsf 5g\, media as a watchdog eg]/ . cfly{s pbf/Ls/0fsf sf/0f media df nufgL ug{ cToflws conglomerate x? a9]sf 5g\ . o;sf/0f media nfO{ watchdog sf ?kdf JofVof ug]{ xf] eg] To;sf] kl/efiff a9fpg'kg]{ /fo sltko ;+rf/ljb\x¿n] lbPsf 5g\ . One school of researchers argues that media conglomerates are, in effect, independent power centres that use their political leverage to pursue corporate gain.
lghL If]qsf dfWoddfq xf]Ogg\ ;/sf/L If]qsf dfWod klg /fHon] ug]{ lgoGq0fsf sf/0f watchdog aGg ;Sb}gg\ . hgtfsf] ;xof]u kfPklg ljleGg gLltut Jojwfg / /fhgLlts x:tIf]kn] klg dfWod watchdog aGg ;ls/x]sf] x'b}g . ;/sf/af6 ;DkfbsLodf x'g] x]/km]/ / ;/sf/sf] bL3{sfnLg of]hgfdf c;/ kfg]{ eP media dfly control x'G5 . o;af6 public broadcasting n] klg ;xL ?kdf sfd ug{ ;Sb}g . o; cGt{ut /fHo :jfoQ eP dfWod :jfoQ x'G5 . To;}n] Tof] dfWod /fHosf] kIf lng'eGbf 6f9f ghfg;S5 .
k|hftGq / ;~rf/sf] cWoogdf csf]{ kIf xf] o;sf consumer . public watchdog sf] cfb{z eg]sf] ;/sf/n] u/]sf] unt s'/fsf] e08fkmf]/ ug'{ . o;n] media nf]slk|odfq xf]Og public sf] cf:yfsf] s]Gb| ;d]t aG5 . o:t} s]nfpg] xf] eg] information lbg] qmddf media sf] e"ldsf s] 5 Tof] dxTjk"0f{ x'G5 . :jtGq k|];n] dfq public sf] :jfoQtfsf] /Iff, utnsf] e08fkmf]/ ug{ ;S5 . To:t} jf:tljs watchdog sf] e"ldsf v]Ng professional responsibility sf] cfjZostf k5{ .
Alternative perspective of media and democracy cGt{ut xfdLn] ljleGg ljifox¿ p7fPsf] kfp5f}+ . o; cGt{ut pluralism, outline of the working model, public service solution, Social market k5{g . jf:tjdf liberal sf] cy{ 7Dofpg lgSs} sl7g sfd xf] lsgsL Pp6f :yfgsf] :jtGqtfsf] JofVof / csf]{ :yfgsf] :jtGqtfsf] JofVofaLr 7"nf] cGt/ x'G5 . o;s} cfwf/df k|hftflGqs cEof; / ;~rf/ :jtGqtfsf klg ck\mg} ;Ldf / jfWotf x'G5g\ .
2. Pluralism
Pluralism on media in these days is very essential. In world's context, the pluralism in radio and television is very new. Most of the radio and television are controlled by the state. In India, even today, radios have not gained fully pluralism. Televisions in India get this opportunity after they started to broadcast from overseas targeting India. ;fob ljb]zaf6 6]lnlehgsf] k|;f/0f gyfn]sf] eP ef/tdf 6]lnlehgsf] af9L rNg] lyPg . clxn] ef/tdf 6]lnlehgsf] ;+Vof cToflws ePklg Tof] ef/tsf] nflu xfgLsf/s 5}g eGg] k|dfl0ft ePsf] 5 / jlif{gf}+ ;dfrf/nfO{dfq s]lGb|t u/]/ 6]lnlehg :6]zg v'ln/x]sf 5g\ . tLgn] ;/sf/ jf k|ltkIf b'a}sf] ;dfg cfnf]rgf u/]sf] b]lvG5 .
For the purpose of this Recommendation, the notion of "media pluralism" should be understood as diversity of media supply, reflected, for example, in the existence of a plurality of independent and autonomous media (generally called structural pluralism) as well as a diversity of media types and contents (views and opinions) made available to the public. Therefore, both the structural/quantitative and qualitative aspects are central to the notion of media pluralism. It should be stressed that pluralism is about diversity in the media that is made available to the public, which does not always coincide with what is actually consumed. (Adopted by the Council of Europe Committee of Ministers on 19 January 1999 at the 656th meeting of the Ministers' Deputies)
The concept of pluralism is comprised of two features. Political pluralism, which is about the need, in the interests of democracy, for a wide range of political opinions and viewpoints to be represented in the media. Democracy would be threatened if any single voice within the media, with the power to propagate a single political viewpoint, were to become too dominant. Cultural pluralism, which is about the need for a variety of cultures, as reflects the diversity within society, to find expression in the media.
There are many media and their many approaches in pluralism. 'More the merrier' is important in democratic countries. More of the same is not good for society. We find media competitions only in pluralism. That mean, more information in creative style; easy for society to find out what is right or not. Even in Nepalese context, after lunching of private television channels, the government operated Nepal Television started to change it's programs; because of competition. All television tries to do better. That's why more diversity came in television news. TV channels have started separate news on sports and business and public opinion. After lunching private channels, public participation has grown high in media.
Democratic function of the media system is to act an agency of representation. It should be organized in a way that enables diverse social groups and organizations to express alternative view points. ljljwtfsf] s'/f ubf{ ;~rf/n] lbg] / ;j{;fwf/0fn] lng] ljifoj:t'df ePsf] ljljwtfnfO{ Pp6} l;Ssfsf b'O{ kf6fsf ?kdf JofVof u/]sf] kfOG5 . k|hftGqsf] sfo{ dWo] ljkIfLsf] s'/f ;'Gg] / To;sf] dgg ug]{ klg xf] . s'g} klg ljifon] p7fPsf] åGå ;dfwfgdf o;n] dxTjk"0f{ e"ldsf v]N5 . o;sf/0f ax'njfbsf] l;4fGt ;~rf/sf nflu clt g} dxTjk"0f{ x'G5 .
o'/f]k]nL sfplG;nsf] a}+7sn] ;~rf/ dfWoddf ax'njfb x'g'kg]{df hf]8 lbb}{ ;g\ !((( b]lv cg'udg ;d]t ug{ yfn]sf] 5 . Go"gtd ljljwtfsf] kfng o'/f]k]nL d'n'sx¿ kfng u/]/ jx'njfbnfO{ sfod /fVg ;a} ;b:o /fi6«nfO{ lgb]{zg ;d]t lbOPsf] 5 .
Ownership and editorial responsibility
The question of media owners and how they can influence the editorial content of their outlets has a bearing on media pluralism. It is generally considered that pluralism is better safeguarded when ownership and editorial content are kept separate. This being said, in many countries media owners are entitled to determine the political/editorial line of their media and any restrictions preventing them from being involved in the day-to-day operation of their company would be very difficult to accept. The relationship between the editor and the owner is, to some extent, constitutionally regulated in some countries.
It is nevertheless important to mention in this explanatory report, as examples for member States who consider regulatory intervention in this area necessary, some of the possible measures, which can be used to prevent proprietors from influencing the editorial content of the media products that they own. One possibility is the signing of "editorial agreements" between owners and editors to secure the independence of the latter to take the lead on all editorial decisions free of interference from the proprietors. The terms of such agreements vary and most are constituted on an informal or voluntary basis. There are, however, examples of editorial agreements defined by law or statute.
The issue of who has a say in the dismissal and replacement of editors or other key personnel is also of importance. If an owner has the power to dismiss or select new appointees, he can use this to reshape the editorial policy without ever needing to interfere directly with the content. Journalists can use such power to establish a culture of obedience and self-restraint. One option to counterbalance this can be to foresee the right of the editorial staff to participate in and veto dismissals and appointments of key new personnel. Similarly, another measure, which can be combined with editorial agreements, is foreseeing the right to a comprehensive redundancy package for editorial staff who wishes to resign following a change of ownership in a media undertaking. This is the so-called "conscience clause," which is backed by law in several countries.
Some definitions of journalism
"In reality, I never did professional journalism. I did mission journalism. Mission journalism means a component of journalism. I could not remain aloof from politics."
D.R. Lamichhane
Jff:tjdf, d}n] slxn] klg Joj;flos kqsfl/tf ul/g“ . d}n] ld;g kqsfl/tf dfq} u/] . ld;g kqsfl/tf eg]sf] kqsfl/tfsf] Ps efu xf], d /fhgLltsf] xf“ufaf6 slxn] 6fl9g rfx“b}g .
8Lcf/ nfld5fg], hgefjgf ;fKtflxs
Feb 3, 2003. Jana Bhabana weekly
Journalism in Nepal has been post, politics, and personality centre. A instated of forcing policy matters.
Daman Nath Dhungana
The Rising Nepal-1997
If there is no restriction in journalism, that is civilize.
Pradip Nepal
Speak person UML.
Journalism is not a business, it is a social responsibility.
Madav Kumar Nepal
General Secretary UML.
May 2003. Samachar patra.
Right to information is the soul of democracy.
Keshab Prashad Upadhaya
Chief justices, high court.
It is very difficult to imagine the life without information and media
President- Maoists
13 may, 2004, Khabar Kagaja weekly.
A newspaper is not a dustbin of film gossip and other trivia. It most has news. It most has information.
Kuldeep Nayar
Journalism is our public diary, our daily book and as such, it forms our collective memory. – Media study Journal, vol. 13, no. 2, 1999, New York.
Journalism is not a profession you do to make money. It is a profession you feel proud about. Pen stands for the abilities of journalist and the ideas that generate out of these pens help journalists win recognition and prestige. – The Rising Nepal, 1999, July 15.
If there is not clear line between professionalism and political interest, the principles of journalism will shock. Press has its own responsibility, rule, and right.
Kamal Thapa,
Minister for information and communication, 6 may 2004
From these definitions, we find, Nepalese political leaders know the norms and values of journalism as well as Justices. But in reality article 16 of constitution is passive even today. Article 16 has provided right to information for every citizens of the country. !# jif{sf] cjlwdf ( k6s ;/sf/ km]l/bf klg ;"rgfsf] xssf] nflu sfg"gL jftj/0f gjGg'sf] sf/0f s] xf] < jf:tjdf x/]s k|ltkIfn] ;"rgfsf] xssf] nflu ax; u/]sf] kfOG5 t/ pgLx? g} ;Qfdf k'u]kl5 To;nfO{ sfg"gL ?k lbg 8/fPsf] b]lvG5 . o;af6 a'e\mg'kg]{ s'/f s] xf] eg], …jf:tjdf k|hftflGqs ;/sf/ ePklg k|];nfO{ cfk\mgf] lgoGq0f aflx/ /fVg rfxb}g . s]xL cj/f]w v8f u/]/ ePklg k"0f{ :jtGqtfsf] kIfdf s'g} klg /fhgLlts bn /xb}gg\ .Ú
There should not be formality in presenting news. In Nepal, cable television provides international channels but not Nepalese, because of competition. t/ xfn} ;/sf/n] ;Dk"0f{ g]kfnL Rofgnx¿nfO{ clgjfo{ ?kdf s]j'nx¿n] k|;f/0f ug'{kg]{ lg0f{o NofPsf] 5 .
Media in society: In Nepalese context
You need to be hungry for news. The journalists should never sit back on a shift and the professional and journalist is never off duty. – Tim Crook (international radio journalism.)
Media and Technology
We do not find the trend of sharing new technologies in communication. Not all Nepalese have the access of technologies. Whither they have capacity to adopt those technologies but there is no infrastructure. How many people have electricity? According to the government data only 20 percent, people have. Other alternative sources and hydropower of Nepal provide electricity to 40% of the total population. And how effective can be the television journalism as well as the internet? On the other hand, the purchasing capacity of Nepalese is very low. Per capital income is lower than $ 270. Whither there is 15000 kilometer long road in all Nepal, many people, even today, have not seen vehicles. There are 18 private airline companies who operate average 300 flights per day. Most of their targeted areas are main cities of the country. Very few of them operate to far rural areas.
The technologies have very effective impact in cities. The development of nation being centralized, the people of main cities have standered lifestyle. They have mobile, digital camera, internet, and television channels and so on. As well, most of the literate people live in those cities. As a result, most of media focus them.
In the context of world, technologies are being cheaper and cheaper. The printing quality is being higher. As well, advertising competitions, investment in media, social feedback and such things are being increased.
But most of them focuses in cities. We have an example – The volume of economic activity in Kathmandu is about 55% of total investment. Being that the 60% of total advertising activities is only in Kathmandu.
The development process and the educated are increasing. It will create big opportunities.
If we watch local & regional development of media, we most watch India. Being British colony Indian got modern education and modern media. Railway network send media to huge mass. British colony was better then the Rana dominance of Nepal in the context of media and education. Politically both Nepal and India had same system but different values. From this, we can say media may have different values whither there is same system.
Asian values of journalism are different from western. It dependent upon the political stability, cultural values, economic conditions and so on. The role of proximity in social values is very high.
Journalism and public trust
The market force guides news media. The impact of the market force, we find gradually public trust in media is being less. It happens not only in third counties, western media are also afraid to print or broadcast about big houses. To gain public trust market forces must be limit or less or in the grip of media. It must be balance and that force should not kill principles of journalism.
We know, the fundamental role of the press is to inform and empower citizens. To empower, the participation of public is most important. There is big conflict of markets. That is why media can be used for negative perspective. As well, political conflict is another reason to fail public trust. If political leader captures media, more participation goes on political issues, which can be irritated for public.
First, we should know who audiences are. Are they things? No. But, in the contest of advertising, people are being an object. Media should not take public as commodity. Neglect of advertisers can be harmful for news media. t/ To:tf s'/f jlx:sf/ ug{ g;Sg' media sf] sdhf]/L g} xf] . g]kfnL media sf] ;j{;fwf/0fk|lt slt cf:yf 5 s'g} cWoog ePsf 5}gg\ . audience nfO{ hj/h:tL ;fdfu|L lbg]qmddf g} g]kfnL ;+rf/hut nfluk/]sf] 5 . Public trust lhTg media research jf audience research x'g'kg]{ b]lvG5 .
The rating system is not implying in Nepal even today. Therefore, the advertising system depended on estimate. cGo b]zdf 6]lnlehgsf s'g sfo{qmdsf] slt 6]lnlehg ;]6af6 k|zf/0f eof] eGg] b]vfpg] setup box sf] Joj:yf ul/Psf] kfOG5 . g]kfnsf] ;Gb{edf of] cem} gof“ g} ;'lgG5 .
Investment in media;~rf/ zlQm ePsf sf/0f nufgL x'G5 . Tof] zlQmsf sf/0f cfly{s b'/fj:yf ePklg h]gt]g ;~rf/sf dfWod afRg] u/]sf] b]lvG5, g]kfnL ;Gb{edf . According to Jeremy Tunstall, there are four models of investment in press.
Press lord:- It is being defined as the old style press lord. In Britain, Lord Northcliffe was the first person to be a press lord. In this model investor invest money in various media but do not care profit or loss. Investor likes to be a media lord and do not have media concentration. It lived in into the 1960s. Jofkfl/s lx;fjn] gfkmf gkfP klg k|]; n8{n] political policy a9fpg media campaign ug{ s]xL xb;Dd ;kmn ePsf] b]lvG5 .
1. Crown prince: - It tries to fulfill the family trend. h;/L ePklg dfWod rnfpg] sfd u5{ t/ j[l4tkm{ rf;f] lbPsf] b]lvGg . t/, o;df klg ;'wfl/Psf] cj:yf xfdL;fd' 5 . This model belongs to investors' generation. The investment goes one generation to another. This model has not in Nepal now. It has both good and bad effect. Some one invest to give continue of media or to make profit. The investment in Times of India after 1990 can be taken as this model.
Media mogul:- ;g\ !(^) sf] bzs kl5 j]nfotL k|];df o;k|sf/sf] nufgL zlQmzfnL nufgLsf] ?kdf b]vf k5{ . o;df dfWod xft kfg'{ / cfkm} o;sf] j[l4df nfUg] Joj;flos k|j[lt b]vf k5{ . o; k|sf/sf] nufgLstf{ hf]lvddf cfkm} ;xefuL /xG5 eg] cfk\mgf] ;f]r x'G5 h'g /fhfgLlt;+u k|ToIF ;xefuL x'g;S5 . It is very near to press lord but it is toward profit. It likes to invest money in various media. This investor has big concentration in media too. William Randolph Hearst ljZjs} klxnf] media mogul x'g\ . oL cd]l/sL lyP .
2. Chief executive:- In fact, the chief executive is not a major owner, but dominated by economic motivation. He has to think profit, share, and dividends. Chief executive is one who is media share holder or some other power appoints him. ;g\ !(() sf] bzsdf cfOk'Ubf o;k|sf/sf] nufgLdf lj1fkg, n]vf, ;s'{n];g / ;DkfbsLo k[i7e"ld ePsf JolQm ;d]t ;dfj]z ePsf] b]lvG5 . We can define investment in different ways. oL cGt{ut o;/L JofVof ug{ ;lsG5 .
This terminology is form Business. Communication is the means of globalization. ;+rf/sf] ljZjJofkLs/0fdf cfPsf] globaloization n] ;a}nfO{ k|efljt kf/]sf] kfOG5 . cGt/fli6«o :t/df x'g] nufgLn] :yfgLo nufgLdf ;~rflnt ldl8of k|efljt dfq x'g] xf]Og ;+:s[ltdf g} c;/ kg]{ u5{ . /fli6«o ;Ldf/]vfn] lgoGq0f ug{ g;Sg] x'gfn] ljZjAofkLs/0fsf] gsf/fTds c;/ klg kg{ ;S5 . cem} klg g]kfnL ldl8ofdf dfq e/ gk/L w]/} audience n] BBC sf] g]kfnL ;]jf ;'g]/dfq cfk\mgf] wf/0ff agfpg] u/]sf] kfOG5 . Global media have better quality and capacity. That is why it is difficult to compit them. Small investment can not fight with the cope of global media.
Global media seems one way communication because it has big market. t];|f] d'n's;“u hf]l8Psf va/n] klZrdfnfO{ k|efj kf5{ eg] dfq t];|f] d'n'sn] global media df :yfg kfpg;S5 Tof] klg negative ?kdf . a|'gfO{df ePsf /fd|f s'/f global news ePsf] kfOGg t/ ;'Ntfgsf s'/f cfO/xG5 . cd]l/sfn] hlt;'s} :jtGqtf eg]/ s/fPklg ;fpbL c/jsf] b/jf/Lof va/ slxNo} lbb}g lsgsL Tof] va/ cfPdf Jofkfl/s sf/f]jf/df g} c;/ k5{ . dlxnf :jtGqtfsf] hlt;'s} JofVof u/]klg g t Toxf cd]l/sfn] dlxnf /fhb't g} lgo'Qm u5{ . O/fsdf ;4fd ;dfltg' cl3 / ;dfltPkl5 pgLdfly ePsf] ;+jf]wg lgSs} km/s ?kdf media n] lbP . jf:tjdf eGg] xf] eg] globalization df third world are being voiceless . g]kfndf tL; hgf dbf{ klg global news gx'g] cj:yf cfPsf] 5 eg] Oh/fondf Pshgf 3fOt] ePklg ;dfrf/ algxfN5 . Globalisation sf] xfn;Ddsf] kl/0ffd x]bf{ ;du| /fli6«o media df x'g] propoganda / gfkmfd'lv ;dfrf/ n] g} :yfg cf]u6]sf] 5 . media as a global watchdog x'g ;s]sf] 5}g . ldl8of /fi6«sf] kx/]bf/ ePklg ljZjsf] kx/]bf/ x'g ;s]sf] 5}g . o;df ldl8ofsf] cf–cfkm\g} :jfy{n] e"ldsf v]n]sf] x'G5 .
Media globalisation nfO{ Transnational, International and multinational sf ?kdf efu nufP/ x]g{ ;lsG5 . Globalization means process of social change that has effect on humanity as a whole. In the communication sector, globalisation at present time means that an oligopoly of offerers is dominationgthe scene. clxn] ljZjsf rf/–kf“r congomarate n] ;a} ;~rf/sf dfWodnfO{ cfkm\gf] oligopoly cg';f/ rnfO/x]sf 5g\ . o;/L media ownership Psf]xf]/f] eP check and balance x'“b}g .
* Cross ownership
media afx]s cGo Joj;fo klg ;~rfng ug]{ kl/kf6L g} cross ownership xf] . o; cGt{ut g]kfndf klg ;+rf/sf dfWod b]vfk/]sf 5g\ . h:t} /fhwfgL b}lgssf] csf]{ business sf ?kdf j}b]lzs /f]huf/ 5 eg] g]kfn ;dfrf/kqsf] jg:ktL Wo' sf] business 5 . o;k|sf/sf] business If]qn] media df nufgL ugf{;fy Toxf“ clash of interest x'g;S5 . media free ?kdf /xg ;S5 ls ;Sb]g eGg] s'/f oxf dxTjk"0f{ ljifo x'gk;U5 . business sf] interest media af6 k'/f u/fpg media df nufgL ePsf] klg x'g;S5 . ;/sf/L media nfO{ klg o;} cGt{ut JofVof ug]{ xf] eg] tL media /fd|f] gx'g'df /fHosf] jf /fhgLlts bnsf] :jfy{ hf]l8Psf] x'G5 . ;/sf/L lj1fkg cflbsf sf/0f klg k|ToIf c;/ k/]sf] x'g;S5 .
* Horizontal ownership & Vertical ownership
;dfgfGt/ ?kdf ljleGg media x?df nufgL x'G5 eg] Tof] horizontal ownership xf] . Pp6} organisation af6 radio, TV, paper cflb ;~rfng x'G5 eg] Tof] horizontal ownership xf] . o;df freedom x'g;S5 t/ ;a} media capture x'“bf gsf/fTds kl/0ffd klg lbg;S5 . o:tf organization n] gLlt lgdf{0f txdf ;d]t c;/ kfg{ ;S5 . cem /fli6«o cl:dtfsf] ljifodf vt/gfs dflgG5 o:tf nufgL . cGo d'n'sdf Pp6} organisation n] 5fkf / ljB'tLo dfWod ;+rfng ug{ gkfOg] Joj:yf ePklg g]kfndf eg] s'g} sfg"gL /f]stf]s 5}g . o:tf] cj:yfdf Media concentration sf] ;Defjgf a9L /xG5 . organization g} ;a}eGbf zlQmzfnL gagf]; elgG5, h;n] zlQm b'?kof]u ug{ ;S5 .
Pp6} media industry leqs} sub industries df x'g] nufgLnfO{ vertical ownership elgG5 . h:t} klqsf k|sfzg ug]{ organization n] sfuh / d;Lsf] pBf]udf nufgL u5{ eg] Tof] vertical ownership xf] . To:t} cfk\mgf] afx]ssf media distribution klg ug]{ x'g;S5 . 6]lnlehg Rofgn ;+rfng ug]{n] s]a'n l6eLdf ug]{ nufgLnfO{ o;}cGt{ut JofVof ug{ ;lsG5 . To:t} media housee n] advertising agency df ug]{ nufgL klg o;} cGt{ut /xG5 . o:tf] cj:yfdf ad agency n] cfk\mgf] media nfO{ g} a9L dxTj lbg;S5 . o;}sf/0f o;sf] lj/f]w klg x'g] u/]sf] 5 .
* Conglomerate or Chain ownership
o;}u/L nufgLnfO{ ;/sf/L, lghL, ;fj{hlgs / JolQmut cfwf/df klg juL{s/0f ePsf] kfOG5 .
Partisan Press:
It can be described as the follower. s'g} klg ;+:yf, JolQm jf kIf;ksf] nflu kqsfl/tf x'G5 eg] Tof] partisan press xf] . ljz]ifu/L /fhgLlts bn, Jofkfl/s k|lti7fg jf s'g} klg ;fdflhs ;+:yfsf] kIfdf jsfnt ug{ lg:sg] media nfO{ partisan press sf ?kdf JofVof x'g] u/]sf] 5 . g]kfndf /fhgLlts bn;“u ;DjGw /fVb} ;Grfngdf cfPsf kqklqsfnfO{ o; ju{df /fVg ;lsG5 .
s'g} klg Ps kIfsf] nflu ;Grfng x'g] media nfO{ partisan press sf] ?kdf lng ;S5f}+ . Within media studies, much research has focused upon the political partisanship of the press and TV companies, that is, upon the degree to which they may support one or other political party or faction, and colour their political coverage accordingly. t/ media n] b'O{j6} party or faction sf] wf/0ffnfO{ :yfg lbG5 eg] Tof] Bipartisan x'G5 . ljZj kqsfl/tfsf] Oltxf;df !( cf}+ ztfJbLsf] cGTolt/ partisan press sf] Jofkstf lyof] eg] cem} klg o;n] :yfg kfO/x]s} 5 .
/fhgLltn] g} press nfO{ w]/} k|efj kfl//x]sf] x'G5 . ToxL /fhgLlts bn jf To;sf g]tfdf s]Gb|Lt eO{ u'gufg ug'{ partisan press sf] wd{ xf] . c?nfO{ v/fa b]vfpg media sf] b'?kof]u x'g' partisan sf] v/fa kIf xf] . g]kfnsf] ;Gb{edf x]g]{ xf] eg] )$^ cl3sf ;a} dfWod partisan press lyP eg] clxn] ;+rfngdf /x]sf clwsf+z ;fKtflxs o:t} 9+uaf6 rln/x]sf 5g\ . /fhgLlts bn / Tof] bnsf] klg ljz]if JolQmsf] :jfy{ k'/f ug{ lg:sg] media n] k|hftflGqs k|];sf] cjwf/0ff dfGg ;Sb}g . t/, clwstd ;+Vofdf ;a} kIfaf6 press sf] :yfkgf x'g] xf] eg] /fd|f] x'G5 . lsgsL 5fg]/ media u|x0f ug{ kfpg] audience sf] clwsf/ ;+/If0f x'G5 . g]kfndf cgf}7f] s] 5 eg] k|]; sfplG;nn] s >]0fLdf /fv]sf w]/} klqsf klg partition press g} 5g\ . o;df /fhgLlts bn jf g]tfn] ;xL eg]df unt klg ;xL / unt eg]df ;xL klg unt g} ePsf] lgZsif{ media n] lgsfN5 . clg /fhgLlts bn km'6\of] eg] media klg b'O{ efu nfUg] u/]sf] kfOG5 . h:t} g]skf Pdfn] ljefhg x'bf b]lvPsf] kl/0ffd . klZrdf d'n'sdf clxn] partisan press vf;} kfOGg eg] ef/tdf ;d]t o;k|sf/sf] press 5}g .
cfly{s sf/f]jf/nfO{ cfwf/ dfGg] xf] eg] Jofkfl/s k|lti7fgsf] kIfdf jsfnt ug]{ media klg 5g\ . cfk\mgf] Jofkfl/s k|lti7fgsf] kIf / k|ltåGbLsf] lj?4 vlgg' o:tf] media n] cfk\mgf] wd{ dfg]sf] x'G5 . Partisan sf] scale ug]{ cfwf/ kfOGg . mission journalism o; cGt{ut g} /xG5 eGg ;lsG5 .
What's the difference between Partism and mission journalism ?
Media practices
Professionaliszation, diversification, and specialization are essential elements for an effective communication process in its varied aspects.
@)$^ ;fnsf] kl/jt{g kl5 g]kfnL ;+rf/df s]xL ;'wf/sf k|of; eP . k|hftGqsf] k'g{:yfkgfkl5 ePsf ljsf;x? dWo] ;+rf/nfO{ cu|:yfgdf lnOG5 . g]kfn clw/fHosf] ;+ljwfg @)$& n] k|Tofe't u/]sf] k|]; :jtGqtfnfO{ pTs[i6 dflgG5 . ;+ljwfgk|bQ clwsf/ Jojxf/df nfu" x'“b}g eg] Tof] cy{xLg g} x'G5 . ;+ljwfgsf] wf/f !^ n] Joj:yf u/]sf] ;"rgfsf] xs ;+ljwfg n]lvPsf] !$ jif{;Dd klg j]jf:tfdf k/]sf] 5 . g]kfn kqsf/ dxf;+3sf] ;lqmotfdf @)%& ;fndf tof/ ePsf] ;"rgfsf] xs ;DjGwL ljw]ossf] d:of}bf cem};Dd kfl/t ePsf] 5}g .
x/]s /fhgLlts bn kIfdf b]lvg] ;"rgfsf] xs ;DjGwL ljw]osdfq xf]Og, ;"rgf lbg eg]/ dGqfnodf v6fOPsf k|jQmnfO{ ;d]t yfxf 5}g p;sf] sfo{bfo/f . In reality, bureaucrats have developed a habit of preferring to keep silent. t/ g]kfnsf] ;+ljwfg k|];sf] nflu gd"gf dflgG5 . Flow of information from different channels of communication including the news media can help promote a culture of responsibility, accountability, and credibility at decision making levels. ;"rgf o;}sf/0f klg kf/bzL{ x'g' cfjZos dflgG5 .
@)%$ ;fndf lghL If]qaf6 klxnf]k6s /]l8of] k|f/De eof] . To;a]nfb]lv g} /]l8of]df ;dfrf/ lbg gkfOg] Joj:yf lyof] . kmnZj?k /]l8of]x¿n] ;dfrf/ gfd g/fvL va/ lbg k|f/De u/] . Pluralism of ideas and free public debate on issues are a way of life in a functioning democracy. t/ Tof] pluralism electronic media df w]/}kl5;Dd klg nfu" x'g ;s]g . cem} short wave and medium wave df /]l8of] k|;f/0fsf] clwsf/ s;}nfO{ lbOPsf] 5}g . ef}uf]lns cfwf/ x]g]{ xf] eg] /]l8of] dfq cfd ;~rf/sf] dfWod x'g;S5 . 6]lnlehg tkm{ tLgj6f 6]lnlehg satellite af6 k|If]k0f ePsf 5g\ . tL dWo] b'O{ g]kfnaf6 / Ps ef/taf6 . sf7df8f}+ pkTosfleq c? tLg 6]lnlehg ;+rfngdf 5g\ . #) eGbf a9L PkmPd k|;f/0fdf 5g\ eg] @) eGbfa9L k|;f/0fsf] tof/Ldf 5g\ .
;x/ s]Gb|Lt media sf] afx'Notf 5 . hnljB't @) k|ltzt hgtfdf k'u]sf] 5 . %) k|ltzt hgtf lzIffaf6 aflx/ 5g\ . !% xhf/ lsnf]ld6/ ;8s / b}lgs # ;o xjfO{ p8fg 5 . c;'/Iffsf sf/0f media cem} partisanship df ;+rflnt 5g\ . ;x/df OG6/g]6 k|of]ustf{ a9]sf 5g\ . dfcf]jfbL ultljlwdf j[l4 ePkl5 u|fdL0f e]u ;+rf/ljlxg eO;s]sf 5g\ .
dfcf]jfbL ultljlwdf ltj|tf cfPkl5 u|fld0f If]q ;+rf/af6 cnUuLPsf] 5 . ;Ldflxg ljZj sf] gf/f nufPklg ;b/d'sfd / ufpaLrdfq xf]Og ;b/d'sfd / /fhwfgLaLr klg ;Dks{ ug{ ;lhnf] 5}g . of] cjlwdf dfcf]jfbLn] OG6/g]6 / mobile radio sf] k|of]u u/]sf] kfOG5 . OG6/g]6 ;DjGwL sfg"g gePsf] cj:yfdf g} ;/sf/n] dfcf]jfbLsf] dfly lgoGq0f u¥of] . clxn] klg Wlink / Mercantile af6 internet service lng] u|fxsdf dfcf]jfbLsf] web page v'Nb}g .
dfcf]jfbLs} lx+;fTds ultljlwsf sf/0f @)%* ;fndf nfu" ePsf] ;+s6sfndf g]kfnL k|];n] 7"nf] IftL j]xf]{g k¥of] . ;+s6sfnsf] cjlwdf ;+ljwfgn] lbPsf clwsf/ s'lG7t eP . kqsf/ lu/k\mtf/ x'g' ;fdfGo em} eof] . dfcf]jfbL ultljlw a9\g yfn]kl5 kqsf/sf] ;'/Iff 7"nf] ;d:ofsf] ljifo ePsf] 5 . ;'/IffsdL{ / dfcf]jfbL b'a} kIfn] media nfO{ psychological warfare sf ?kdf lnO/x]sf 5g\ . of] /fhgLltdf press as a weapon g} b]lvof] . w]/} kl5dfq cfP/ kqsf/x¿n] cfkm" k|of]u ePsf] d"Nof+sg ug{ yfn]sf] kfOG5 . o; cy{df eGg] xf] eg] partisan press in Nepal is a continuation with the practices evolved encouraged during the now defunct partyless panchayat years. *) k|ltzt hgtf u|fdL0f e]udf g} 5g\ . dfcf]jfbL ultljlwkl5 lj:yflkt x'g] qmd a9]sf] 5 .
News Construction M ;dfrf/ / ljrf/df cGt/ 5 eg] ;dfrf/df b]lvg' x'b}g . t/, k|i6} b]lvG5 . g]kfn 6]lnlehgn] ;dfrf/ lbPsf] xf] ls ;/sf/L ljrf/ 7Dofpg xDd] k5{ . /]l8of] ;u/dfyf cfPkl5 ;dfrf/df bites lbg] rng cfof] . o;cl3 public opinion eg]sf] s'g r/fsf] gfp eg]h:t} lyof] . PkmPddf ;dfrf/d'ns ;fdfu|Lsf] k|;f/0f k|f/De ePkl5 cvaf/sf ;dfrf/ 5f]6f aGg yfn]sf 5g\ . 7"nf cvaf/n] beat reporting df dxTj lbPsf 5g\ . /fhgLlts ;dfrf/df eg] kf6L{ glhssf] jf sfo{stf{ g} kqsf/ ag]sf] kfOG5 . partisan press sf] lg/Gt/tf content sf] cfwf/df eGg] xf] eg] 7"nf cvaf/n] klg lbPsf] kfOG5 . lghL If]qsf media sf sf/0f news df public participation a9]sf] 5 . /fli6«o ;dfrf/ ;ldltsf] a'n]l6g x]g]{ xf] eg] cem} klg quote kfOGg . News source sf] ljsf; ePsf] kfOG5 . Ps lsl;dsf] systematic journalism sf] k|f/De ePsf] eGg ;lsG5 . lhNnfaf6 cfpg] ;dfrf/sf] ;+Vofdf ;'wf/ ePsf] 5 . u'0f:t/ eg] cem} /fd|f] 5}g .
ljifout ?kdf k[i7x? ylkPsf 5g\ . oL ;a} ljifodf ;a}eGbf dxTjk"0F{ dflgg] ;dfrf/sf ljifon] klxnf] k]h kfO/x]sf 5g\ . cvaf/df t:jL/sf] k|of]u a9]sf] 5 eg] 6]lnlehgdf visual v]nfpg] rng a9]sf] 5 . cem} g]kfn 6]lnlehgdf g]tfn] af]n]sf] d'v xlNnG5 / g]tfsf] efif0f news reader n] ul//x]sf] kfOG5 . To:t} /]l8of]df klg spot sound /flvg yflnPsf] kfOG5 . klqsfdf sf6'[gn] /fd|f] :yfg kfpg yfn]sf 5g\ . media n] follow ug'{kg]{ ljifodf follow up u/]sf] b]lvGg . /fhgLlts ljifoj:t'dfly eg] ha/h:tL follow up nflbPsf] kfOG5 . hj/h:tL tof/ ePsf ;dfrf/sf] dfq cem} klg clws 5 . subjective ;dfrf/n] a9L :yfg kfO/x]sf 5g\ . News df research sf] sdL 5 . sponsor programme df slxNo} negative s'/f b]lvGg .
Professionalism M ;du|?kdf a9]sf] 5 . Field reporting df ;'wf/ ePsf] 5 . 7"nf] nufgLdf kflIfs / ;fKtflxs klqsf k|sfzg ePsf sf/0f klg :yfnut l/kf]{6 / vf]hljgsf ;dfrf/n] :yfg lng yfn]sf 5g\ . professionalism leq ljljwtfsf] eg] cem} vfrf] 5 . x/]s s'/fnfO{ generalise ug]{ kl/kf6Lsf] cem} cGTo ePsf] 5}g . Publisher sf] e"ldsf dxTjk"0f{ x'g'kg]{ ljifodf gePsf] h:tf] b]lvG5 . specialisation sf] cjwf/0ff cfPklg ljsl;t x'g eg] ;s]sf] 5}g . Reporter b]lv editor ;Ddn] cfk\mgf] :jfy{ cg';f/ cgfjZos gate keeping ul//x]sf 5g\ .
Opinion M cvaf/sf] ;+Vof ;+u} ljrf/ k[i7n] klg dxTjk"0f{ :yfg kfPsf] 5 . n]Vg klg xb};Dd 5'6 5 . ;Dkfbs / k|sfzs afx]s b]zsf ;Ddflgt / clt ;Ddflgt ju{ lj?4 klg n]Vg aGb]h 5}g . ;DkfbsLo k[i7 / n]vnfO{ 7"n} :yfg lbOPsf] 5 . kf7ssf] kqn] klg /fd|f] :yfg kfpg yfn]sf] 5 . editorial diversity eg] sd} kfOG5 . /fhwfgL afx]ssf ;dfrf/df ;DkfbsLo d'l:sn}n] tof/ x'g] u/]sf] b]lvG5 . ljifout cfwf/df klg /fhgLlts ljifosf ;DkfbsLo xfjL /x]sf] kfOG5 . ljz]ifu/L feature x¿ h:t} daily column, articles, supplement pages cfbL k|sflzt x'g yfn]sf 5g\ . radio n] news and current affairs eg]/ radio magazine lbg] u/]sf] 5 . t/ g]kfnsf /]l8of] cvaf/df g} lge{/ ePsf] kfOG5 . g]kfnsf sd} ;Dkfbsn] v]ns'b jf lj1fg k|ljlw a'e\m5g\ . To;}n] sd} ;DkfbsLo cfp“5 To:tf ljifodf .
Questining the media
rf}yf] c+u elgg'sf] sf/0f media powerful /xg' tyf watchdog of society ePsf]n] xf] . o; cy{df media sf] role society nfO{ motivate, inform, educate……… ug]{ xf] . t/ media n] To; cg';f/ sfd u/]sf] kfOGg .
dfcf]jfbL leqsf k|fjlws s'/f
;'Gbf /f]rs g} nfU5, ev{/ ev{/ dfcf]jfbLdf k|j]z u/]sf] dfG5] l7ªu pleP/ a9f] km'lt{nf] :Jf/df eGb} hfG5, æof] t k|fjlws s'/f xf] sfd/]8 †Æ cln dflyNnf] :t/sf g]tf;“u s'/f u¥of] ls pxL zAb bf]xl/G5, …k|fjlws s'/fÚ . of] …k|fjlwsÚ n] lkmN8 hf“bfv]l/ olt;Dd x}/fgL kf5{ ls cln a9L hfGg vf]Hof] eg] hf;';sf] u'yf;d]t klx/fOG5 . o:t} cg'ej utjif{ /f]Nkf hf“bfv]l/ eof] . Tof] Psk6s dfq} xf]Og, y'k|} k6s ef]luof] .
(Source : Rishikesh Dahal lecture note)